Let Us Host Your Organization's Training Portal

Are you not ready to invest in your own internal Learning Management System to host your online courses? Do you not want the hassle of learning how to populate and administrate an LMS?
Our team will completely customise a branded eLearning training portal for your organization, populated with your courses, and provide administration, which includes course scheduling, enrollment, and report generation.
How We Make This Happen:
We have a conversation about what you are actually looking for. For example, two of our clients wanted to have a place on the web that looked exactly like their own websites. They wanted to populate these with a mix of their own internal online courses, some of ours, videos, presentations, and downloadable resources. Although they realised they needed a Learning Management System (LMS), as well as software to create online courses, they were not ready to make the full investment. In addition, they did not have the internal expertise or people resources to populate and administer an LMS.
For both of these clients, we designed and developed a "storefront" web portal populated to their needs. Users were provided with logins that connected directly to our own LMS, and the courses they had been assigned. In this way, all of this is transparent to the users, who see the course catalogue as part of their own company's offerings.
On a weekly, monthly, and ad hoc basis, we generate and provide usage, completion, and other statistical reports. Your organization can provide us with a single point of contact to receive all of the certificates of completion, which are also emailed to users automatically. Certificates can also be customised to your organization's branding.
In short, we do the heavy lifting, and you get all the benefit of a branded LMS with none of the headaches, at a fraction of the cost of doing it yourself.